Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Strike a (yoga) pose and crush test-taking angst

Photo/Angela Coppola for "Breathe: Yoga for Teens".  
Yoga is portable, so you can take it to the classroom on test-days.

Before exam time, try these  postures to unwind your mind...

"Fold over in to Rag Doll. This gets the blood flowing to the brain," says Mary Kaye Chryssicas, a Wellesley, Massachusetts-based yoga teacher, motivational speaker and the author of, "Breathe: Yoga for Teens," ($19.60, Amazon.com). "Shake your head yes and no, releasing all neck and shoulder tension. If seated, open your legs and hang your body forward between your knees."

"Butterfly is a great hip-opener, so you don't get fidgety in your school chair," she says.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

What nerve? Practice these asanas to ease exam season jitters

Courtesy Chrissy Lefavour
It’s that time. Students nationwide will soon hit the books to prepare for finals and state tests. 

While anxiety is natural, practicing certain yoga poses may reduce test-taking pressure, according to some yoga experts. So stay calm and yoga on. Each day this week, we'll post top-pick poses for stress-free studying.

Sun salutations, are very beneficial for clearing the mind and energizing the body,” says Chrissy Lefavour, RYT and owner of GratefulYoga of Montpelier, Vermont.

Downward facing dog, child’s pose, and cat/cow stretches are all very relaxing," says Lefavour.

"Get your feet above your head," she says. "Lay with your legs up a wall or on a chair, do a shoulder stand, or learn to stand on your head and hands."

Backbends are good for soothing the nervous system, "So taking an assisted bridge posture, camel, or bow can be very liberating in times of anxiety," says Lefavour.



Thursday, March 26, 2015

Picture yourself saving the planet? It's as easy as one, two, tree!

Courtesy plantatreepose.com

Want to help make the world a greener place?
Show off your yoga skills for a worthy cause. Just upload a snapshot of yourself in Tree Pose to plantatreepose.com, along with a $1 pledge towards one of three tree-planting non-profits.

The folks behind this environmental protection movement aim to plant over one million trees worldwide. Your photo will be used to create a Towering Tree Photomosaic, to be revealed as a special art exhibit in New York City, on World Environment Day this June 5, 2015.
You can also pick up this cute tote, with Plant A Tree Pose logo for $14.97, plus shipping. A portion of merchandise sales goes to the benefitting altruistic causes.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hip new toy on the block

Courtesy treehoppertoys.com

  School your three-year-old on what’s trending.
This new, birch plywood, matching tile set teaches kids their ABC’s, while developing their sense of all things cool.

The product includes 26 letters and 26 eye-catching patterns that also depict images. For example, a moustache, yoga pose and pair of ping pong rackets are used to introduce the letters, M, Y and P. Packed in a stylish printed drawstring bag, this is a great gift for up-and-coming hipsters.

The Hipster ABC Matching Tile Set. For $35 at treehoppertoys.com

Yoga and egg rolls on White House Easter event menu

Courtesy Google Images

Kids and families can get their Om on again, on the White House lawn, during the 137th annual Easter Egg Roll this April 6, 2015.

This year’s theme, #GimmeFive, is a nod to the fifth anniversary of First Lady Michelle Obama’s "Let’s Move"  efforts to combat childhood obesity.

Since 2009, Certified Baptiste Yoga Teacher, Leah Cullis, has organized and led a team of nationally recognized teachers to bring the wellness practice to this highly anticipated party.

In addition to obstacle courses, dancing, playing with professional athletes and the traditional Egg Roll, a special Yoga Garden will be designated for demonstration and participation. Upward salute pose, anyone?