Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Yoga for New Moms on the Rise

c/o YogaNest
You’re not alone.

This is the message that sparked Ifat Kent to open YogaNest studio of Broward County, Florida, last January, which serves pre and post-natal moms.

Originally from Israel, Kent, a mom of three and registered 500-hour yoga teacher, says she was lonely after giving birth, so she'd seek out “momma groups” for support.  

“I knew the babies could play while the moms
talked,” explained Kent.  “There is a psychological, spiritual need for mom support circles.”
In Kent’s post-natal classes, there are typically fourteen pairs of moms and babies.  Asana practice is offered, with breathing exercises and light core work to heal the pelvic floor, back and shoulder pain from feeding baby.
“We start with mild squats and add mild ab work and some restorative poses, which are great for reducing stress.”  Babies are incorporated in to some posture work, which helps with tummy time, says Kent.
Classes at YogaNest have grown, says Kent. 
c/o YogaNest
“It can be isolating for new moms – especially with the phones. Moms are looking for outlets for human contact.  I feel the need is larger now,” says Kent.  Also, “Moms are super tired – from a lack of sleep or because their partners aren’t helping enough. Breastfeeding can be frustrating.  We need to support moms. Circles are so important. They have commonality with other women and almost everything shared is what someone else is experiencing.”